Magnet Tile Ideas

Have you been looking for new ways to use your kid’s beloved magnet blocks? I came up with a list of 7 magnet tile ideas that your kid will love! Plus they won’t even realize they are learning and practicing new skills while they do it! Magnet Tile Towers With this magnet block activity, I […]
Easy Winter Sensory Bin

If you are like us we live in a place where winter consumes about 6 months of the year. We get a lot of cold and a lot of snow and because of this, we are inside a lot of the time. So one day I thought why don’t I just bring the snow inside […]
Kids Christmas Tradition

I don’t know about you but when we were starting our family I was trying to find kids Christmas traditions that we could do for years down the road. We do the common ones like baking cookies for Santa, decorating the Christmas tree, and Christmas pajamas, but my favorite Christmas tradition with our kids […]
Dinosaur Activities for Toddlers

This week we focused on Dinosaur activities for toddlers. I came up with 4 super simple activities that my toddler could do throughout the week. Here is the list! Dinosaur Sensory Bin I filled this bin with grey and brown playdough and some rocks. (Find our homemade playdough recipe here) Then I added in his […]
Olympic Activities for Preschool Kids

With the Olympics this week we did a few at-home preschool activities for fun. Here are the 3 Olympic Activities I did with my preschool kid. Olympic Rings Craft This was a great activity to work on color matching and fine motor skills! What you need: -paper in various colors -glue -markers Set-Up: Draw the […]
Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers

We are doing all sorts of Valentine’s Day Activities with my toddlers lately and I wanted to share some with you! Grab the free printable at the end of the post if you’d like any of the pages shown throughout this post! Symmetry Hearts All you need for this one is paint and paper! Cut […]
Truck Activities for Toddlers
This week we read books and did activities all about construction trucks. My little man’s favorite thing ever is trucks so I thought we’d come up with some activities. I also created a free printable for one of the activities that you can grab at the bottom of this post! Library Books The three books […]
Winter Activities for Toddlers

This week’s theme was all about winter! So we went to the library to pick out some winter-themed books and I put together four winter activities to do with my toddler. The activities range from fine motor to sensory play, to counting and gross motor. Let’s dive in and don’t forget to grab the free […]
Valentine’s Day Crafts for Toddlers

Are you looking for some fun and easy Valentine’s Day crafts for toddlers? Perfect! I have some cute ideas you can do at home with your little one! I love doing holiday activities with our son and then using them around the house as decorations. Here are a few of the Valentine’s Day crafts that […]
The Best Bedtime Stories For Babies

Our bedtime stories have always been a favorite part of our bedtime routine. As a teacher, I knew how important it was to read with our kids every night and I wanted to do it from the start. We have loved every minute of our nighttime reading with our 2-year-old son! We have TONS of […]