Are you a mama who decided formula was the best route for your family? Well, I am. I know there can be soooo many reasons why mamas choose to give their babies formula and I support you. When I made that decision I felt so much guilt because of how much breastfeeding was being pushed by doctors and other moms. Ultimately I know formula was the right choice for us. Anyways, I wanted to give you a few tips that I’ve learned along the way if you are a formula family.
1. Bubbles bubbles bubbles
The formula that we used would get SO bubbly if I shook the bottle to mix it. So I found two ways to help fix that. The most effective way I found was by putting the water and powder in the bottle and then stirring it together with a small spoon. This seemed to get the powder mixed in well and didn’t cause any bubbles.
Sometimes though, we would be on the go and I didn’t have a spoon. So the next best option I found was to kind of swirl the bottle. After the water and powder were in the bottle I would put the lid on. Then, I’d grab it from the top so the bottle was upright and then swirl my wrist in a clockwise motion. This would cause a kind of whirlpool in the bottle and it mix it together without any bubbles. Doing it this way did make it harder to get rid of all of the formula chunks.
2.Nighttime feedings and travel
These two kind of went hand in hand because I used the same trick for both of them. Our little one had feedings during the night until about 4 months. I didn’t like the idea of walking downstairs to the kitchen at 2am to get a bottle put together. So what I did instead was fill the bottle with the amount of water that I needed. Then, I either used a travel formula container or a bottle we no longer used and filled it with the amount of formula needed. When the nighttime feeding came the bottle and formula were in the nursery and all I needed to do was pour the formula into the bottle and swirl it together.
I used that same idea when it came to traveling. I prepped the bottles with water and the container with formula and we’d be good to go!
Now we all know formula can really add up so finding savings where you can is great. If you use a big national brand you can generally sign up for their coupons and get them mailed to you every few weeks. Otherwise, the app Ibotta usually has some cashback formula deals. But I’ve found the best option is just buying it at target. They usually have some formula on sale. On top of that every few weeks they offer a gift card after you spend a certain amount on baby products. For example, if you spend 100$ you get a 20$ gift card in return. So I would buy 4 tubs of formula (we all know how quickly they go) and get a 20$ gift card to use one my next target trip.
I hope some of these tips helped you in some way! You are a rockstar mama and don’t forget it.
Keep creating your own sunshine,