I personally made homemade baby food for our son from when he was 5 months old until he was 14 months old. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed making it even though I usually hate anything that has to do with the kitchen. It was so great knowing what was going into the food and knowing it was healthy for him. Plus it saved us quite a bit of money which was a huge bonus. I definitely plan to make it for our future kids as well. It doesn’t take much time at all and you will be all set for the week! So here is what I have learned along the way on how to make homemade baby food.
Supplies You Will Need
Here are some of my favorite things that I bought to help me make and store my homemade baby food.
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Freezer trays
These are perfect for when your little one is just starting with baby food. You’ll have a small amount of puree for each serving, which is all your baby really needs when they are starting. These are the freezer trays I used (smaller trays and bigger tray). Both of them come with the lids you need to help with storage in the freezer too!
Food containers
These work perfectly after your baby has started to really get the hang of eating and they can eat a good amount at each meal. Our little man would eat one for each meal. This food container set in particular has a lot of containers and I loved the different colored lids to help me remember which one had which recipe in it. We are still using them today to keep some of his small leftovers in or to quickly throw a snack in the diaper bag.
Again these are great once they get a bigger belly for the purees but I LOVED these pouches. I actually tried out a few different ones and these were the best ones I found. They are really easy for pouring your homemade baby food into, they are great storage in the freezer (again the different colors are super helpful), and they are easy to clean! We are also still using these to this day to throw some yogurt in quickly for breakfast for our little man.
Now I did end up getting The Baby Bullet which was super helpful right away with making the smaller batches but I definitely wouldn’t say you absolutely need it. A regular blender at home will work just fine. You will just need to be conscious of the quantity you are making in the beginning. The baby bullet also came with a recipe book and some storage containers that were an added bonus though!
How to make homemade baby food?
You can check out my 3 easy recipes here for first foods to try with your little one, but once I got the hang of it I just started mixing things together that I thought would taste good. Here are some of my tips though that should help get you started!
Hard fruits and vegetables need to be steamed first.
I found the easiest way to do this was getting the steamable frozen vegetable bags from the grocery store. They are about a dollar each and you just throw them in the microwave for a few minutes, then let the bag cool, and they are all set to put in the blender.
Add more water or baby oatmeal to change the consistency.
If your baby is just starting baby food you want the puree to basically be liquid. They are used to milk only so you want the baby food to be similar. Just keep adding water until you get the right consistency. As they get older you’ll want to slowly transition to a thicker puree. So if you ever feel like it’s too liquidy you can always add in baby oatmeal/cereal to it. Some fruits can be super liquidy so adding more fruit to the blender doesn’t always help make it thicker.
Look at store baby foods for recipe inspiration.
One thing I remember being worried about was if the recipe I was making was even going to taste good for O. So I would sometimes go down the baby food aisle to see what some of the combinations were and try to replicate something similar.
Mix it up and freeze.
Once you have the ingredients all set you just need to put them in the blender and turn it on! Again, adding water or oatmeal as needed. Then you can start pouring it into your freezer trays, containers, or pouches and place them in the freezer for later. In the fridge, it will only last for 48 hours but in the freezer, it can last for 3 months or so. I always made mine week by week and kept the older ones toward to front of the freezer. Then I’d take out the containers for the next day and put them in the fridge at night so they would be thawed out by morning.
There are some of my tips on how to make homemade baby food! I hope that all helps and that you enjoy making it for your little one as much as I did!
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