We have had the same nighttime routine for our son since he was about 2 months old. It has been a great signal for him to know that bedtime is coming, and a big reason why I think he’s been such a great sleeper. I know everyone has their own little routine but I thought I would share ours with you in case you are looking for some ideas.
Our bedtime routine takes about 30 minutes each night. We start by getting the day’s clothes off and changing his diaper. Before putting on his nighttime diaper I always put a little diaper cream on his bum just incase he poops in the night. Then we put on his nighttime diaper. We personally love the target brand overnight diapers. They have been the only ones we found that didn’t leak, but we do size up one with them.
Next, we start doing a little massage with lotion for him. While we are doing our lotion routine we sing some songs like ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, and Jesus Loves Me. After that, we put his PJs and sleepsack on for the night.
Then we read two stories. My husband and I both read him one from our favorite bedtime stories. Then I feed him his last bottle for the night while rocking in the chair and the lights off.
After he is done, we snuggle for a few minutes and say our prayers. Finally, we say our goodnights. With the lights off and sound machine on, we lay him in his crib and he falls asleep a few minutes later.
If you were looking for ideas with your bedtime routine I hope this helped! Also if you are looking for more in-depth help on getting your little on to sleep through the night I highly recommend checking out Cara at Taking Cara Babies. We took her Newborn course and our little man has been sleeping through the night since he was 4 months old. She also has a fabulous Instagram where she gives TONS of sleep tips.
Always remember you are a rockstar mama!
Keep creating your own sunshine,